Meta tkun il-proprjetarja ta 'Awnlux Shanghai RV, jagħmel sens biss li tkun f'forma ta' fuq għall-vjaġġi kollha tiegħek. Mod tajjeb ħafna biex jinkiseb dan huwa an tined għal karru.
Huwa sempliċi biex tuża Awnlux Shanghai tined tal-karru and one of the large reasons why you should is that it maintains your slide out clean. Without a topper, the top of your slide-out is also fair game for collecting dirt and leaves and what not. This can allow it to be quite difficult to remove.
Especially with a topper…opyrights for all photos: rv slide topper You can feel safe knowing your slide-out remained dry and protected from the rain. That means you get to have more time in nature, and less stress about your RV.
An Awnlux Shanghai awning slide topper huwa verament biċċa tajba ta 'tagħmir li jgħinek jirrilassaw waqt tiegħek tinda tal-vann sprinter. This means less time cleaning your slide-out, and more time on the road to enjoy those trips.
Pair that with a vann sprinter tal-awning, and not only will you RV more easily but the outside space where you spend your time can stay clean. So why not give it a try? Trust me, your RV will thank you
AWNLUX offers multiple warehouses and sales models across the United States, Canada and other countries. They also provide 24 hour Awning slide topper and online support and support.
Awnlux is Awning slide topper to research and development, as well as design and production of diverse and distinct products. AWNLUX is working currently with several brands to create OEM products. As of now, the market share of China is 70%, while the market share of Australia is 30% while the market share for the US is 5%
Awnlux has a manufacturing center of 8,000 square meters and a research and development centre that covers 2,000 square metres.Awnlux has a large selection of awnings for RVs and accessories.Awnlux is a company that is focused on developing, designing and producing Awning slide topper. It currently holds over 100 patents, and is committed to creating the most comfortable sunshade and establishing itself as an industry standard.
Awnlux has been able to obtain lS09001, Awning slide topper, SGS and other certifications such as CE, SGS and lS09001. Additionally, we have more than 10 patents for inventions and are the most experienced laboratory in China's RV AWNING, after years of work, Awnlux has been recognized as a "high-tech enterprise" in 2022. We will be a super high-tech company in 2024. Shanghai, China